Safety and Effectiveness of Thermic Lance

Thermal Lances are used by many customers throughout the world. Many of them contemplates the safety and success of using Thermic Lance. It is usually used in steel mills, or construction sites as its small size and proven capability to cut solid and large pieces of steel scraps by generating a high temperature of up to 3,000oC ~ 4,000oC.
Therefore, today we are going to discuss about the steps to be followed for using Thermic Lances safely and effectively.

Benefits of Thermic Lances in EAF

Daiwa Anaya Steel

Decarbonization is improving the environment in a positive way by transforming the global economy. Previously, the steel production was generally carried out in the Blast Furnaces but now Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) can be used in a different and more environment friendly way by using a metallurgical furnace which uses steel scraps as raw materials for generating steel rather than iron ores.
Therefore, today we shall be going to discuss about the benefits of Thermic Lance in EAF. Here, we will also see how EAF works to maximize operational systems and understand which type of Thermic Lance is applied for which situation.

Thermic Lance – an optimum solution for cutting large scrap materials

Thermic Lance

According to the World Steel Association’s Statistical Report, global demand for steel will increase by 2.2% in 2022. This signifies that the steel manufacturers must enhance their steel manufacturing process to get closer to the fast growth of steel demand all over the world. This has also increased the demand for scrap recycling in current years.

Although, large scrap recycling is one of the time consuming and cost ineffective step in the steel manufacturing process for taking into consideration.

This is why today we shall discuss about how Thermic Lance is effective for cutting Large Scrap Materials and help in daily steel production in the long run.

Slag Removal in Steel Plants and the use of Thermic Lances


Slag Removal in Steel Plants and the use of Thermic Lances
Slag is a result of steel production which involves the procedure of extracting or refining metal from its ore.
Though the slag is considered to be waste or unusable rubbish but this waste leftover is a valuable material for construction sector especially in production of cement.

Use of Thermic Lance in the Optimal Way

Thermic lance

As we know the Thermic Lance by Daiwa is a steel pipe. The inside of the pipe is filled with inner wires which helps in producing high temperature and powerful flame of up to 4000℃ with Fe+O2 Fe2O3+Heat reaction.
The high temperature with pressurized oxygen inside the ignited steel pipes helps the pipe to burn itself producing high heat. The steel wires inside the metal tube promotes combustion and it is then used in multiple ways in the steel industries.
Today we are going to discuss about the best possible way to use the Thermic Lances.

Thermic Lance with half wires

We are now aware that the Thermic lances are steel pipes which when heated in the presence of Oxygen generates extreme temperature of up to 4000˚C. These lances are generally used for cutting heavy metals, skull shaped metals, stainless steel, nickel, concrete, etc. Commonly, the Thermic Lance are of two types -Type T (Double Tube Pipes) and Type W (Fully Packed Wires).
Today we are going to introduce a special type of the Thermic Lance made by Daiwa Lance International – Half Wired Thermic Lance.

Special Application of CA Lance –Protection of Thermocouple Tube.

As we already know that the CA Lances made by Daiwa Lance International (DLI) is one of the best solutions in the Lancing Industries, these lances not only last 3-10 times longer than plain Mild Steel Lances but also increases efficiency, safety and decreases costs. Apart from this, the CA Lance Pipes has a wide area of applications. Today we are introducing a special application of CA Lance for protecting the tube of Thermocouple.

Diverse Applications and Uses of Daiwa’s Thermic Lance Pipe

Thermic Lances are steel pipes with a combination of wires and/or an inner pipe. This combination helps in combustion which generates powerful flames of up to 4000˚C- without any noise or vibration to break up materials quickly. This is another finest lancing technology by Daiwa.
Today, we are pleased to present the Diverse Applications and Uses of Daiwa’s Thermic Lance Pipe.