
Fire accidents are serious incidents that affect the lives and health of workers. Despite their dangers, fire accidents are common occurrences in factories. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of fire safety in a steel melting furnace, specifically focusing on the use of advanced, high-safety oxygen blowing pipes. We’ll explore how products with stringent safety standards can significantly minimize fire risks and positively impact the entire production process in a factory setting.

Preventing Fire Accidents in Steel Melting Furnaces with High-Quality Oxygen Blowing Pipes

Source: Daiwa Lance International

Reasons Behind Fire Accidents When Using Mild Steel Pipes in Steel Melting Factories

Steel melting furnaces are inherently prone to fires, with temperatures reaching extremely high levels of 1,600°C or more. All materials used within the facility must ensure fire-resistant properties to minimize the risk of high-intensity fires, thereby ensuring the safety of workers and the physical infrastructure of the factory.

From a technical outlook, mild steel pipes are primarily composed of steel, making their surfaces susceptible to oxidation through the reaction between iron and oxygen in the air, leading to rust formation. To enhance rust resistance, manufacturers often apply a layer of anti-rust oil onto the surface of the pipes. This lubricating oil creates a protective film on the outer surface of the pipes after machining, preventing rusting for a period of time to facilitate subsequent processing or commercial export.

While the rust prevention benefits are significant, the downside of anti-rust oil is the accumulation of greasy residue on the surface of the mild steel pipes. This can lead to slippery surfaces, poor hygiene, and most critically, increased fire risk. The oil residue on the mild steel pipe’s head can ignite when exposed to sparks and high temperatures from the steel melting furnace during the process of blowing oxygen or other auxiliary gases into the furnace.

Real-life Scenarios Posing Potential Fire Risks with Oxygen Blowing Pipes

In a typical steel melting factory, workers use mild steel pipes to regulate the carbon content in the steel melting furnace. Despite wearing fire-resistant protective clothing and gloves, there is an inherent risk that flames from inside the furnace may encounter the head or body of the mild steel pipe, igniting it and potentially causing harm to the user. If there is an excessive buildup of oil and grease on the surface of the mild steel pipe, the fire may intensify, generating high temperatures that make it difficult for the worker to continue holding the steel pipe. There is a possibility of injury, or, in another scenario, the worker may drop the pipe and flee without extinguishing the fire, potentially leading to a fire incident in the factory.

The precedent set by incidents of fire occurring during the use of mild steel pipes has made factory managers more cautious when purchasing and utilizing these pipes for blowing oxygen into steel melting furnaces.

Preventing Fire Accidents When Using Mild Steel Pipes

To ensure comprehensive safety for workers during the use of mild steel pipes, it is essential that the pipes are surface-treated to be oil and grease-free. This prevents workers from experiencing slippery handling, maintains hygiene, and minimizes the occurrence of fire accidents as much as possible.

Processing and Surface Treatment for High Fire Resistance in Oxygen Blowing Pipes

During the manufacturing process, it is inevitable that various types of oils, such as cooling oil, rolling lubricant, and anti-rust oil, are used. However, to maximize safety for workers and minimize rusting when pipes are stored for extended periods in the factory, advanced oxygen blowing pipes utilize anti-rust oil in a reasonable concentration.

Proper surface treatment of mild steel pipes, free from oil and grease residues, not only enhances safety but also adds to the overall aesthetic appeal.

For prolonged usability of mild steel pipes, it is recommended to store them in dry, low-humidity environments, away from moisture or rain.


This overview has discussed the causes and origins of potential fire accident risks when using oxygen blow pipes. Understanding the risk of fire accidents due to surface treatment shortcomings of mild steel pipes is crucial. Well-treated, high-safety pipes can bring significant benefits and effectiveness to workers, ensuring their safety and enhancing the overall production process in steel refining factories.

Risks can arise at any time, so detecting and preventing them from the outset is crucial. Make informed choices when purchasing and using mild steel pipes in your steel refining factory for optimal safety and efficiency.

For further information on advanced oxygen blowing pipes and their fire-resistant properties, please contact our sales team at sales@daiwaanayasteel.com.

Daiwa Anaya Steel Private Limited is a part of Anaya Steel, LLC (US parent company). Our company has over 30 years of involvement in steel products. It mostly deals in:

  • Specialized steel hardware – punched, pressed, galvanized, powder coated.
  • Steel pipes and tubing – specialized, color coated, galvanized and structural.
  • Our Lance pipes are produced by Daiwa Lance International in Vietnam.

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