In the realm of industrial manufacturing and construction, selecting the right type of steel pipe is crucial for efficiency and safety. This article delves into the distinctions and similarities between two prominent types of steel pipes: the SC Lance and Mild Steel Pipe. By exploring their definitions, purposes, compositions, coatings, and design constructions, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding that will guide you in making informed decisions tailored to your specific applications.
Overview of SC Lance Pipe
Use of SC Lance Pipe for Incinerators with The Blast Furnace Concept
Keeping clean environment is a necessity that many countries and organizations are trying to follow. Many countries tend to use incinerators for burning wastes, and after that toxic substances are dissolved into the land and sea, posing health hazard to the residents in the vicinity. Many users are aware of the negative environmental effect of burning waste by incinerators, but most are unaware of the existence of incinerators that utilize the modern technology to reduce CO2 emissions.
In fact, the users should understand the detail that they can also use oxygen lance pipes in incinerators that processes industrial wastes by using the blast furnace concept.
Therefore, today in this content, we’re going to introduce the operational system of an incinerator that treats waste using the blast furnace concept along with the application of SC Lance 21.7mm x 2.8 mm x 4000mm. We shall also direct that how is it possible to show the presence of incinerators that do not emit hazardous substances and also the effectiveness of oxygen lance pipes.
SC Lances in the Steel Manufacturing
Daiwa’s SC Lance is a mild steel pipe welded with carbon with no coating and is mainly used for oxygen lancing. This lance generates high temperature of over 3000 ℃ when burning. Rigorous Quality Control is processed to make sure there is no oil or grease present on the surface of the lances so as to provide safety to users.
“SC” means “Self- Consuming”. The other names for this lance are MS lance Pipe, Mild Steel Lance Pipe, Lancing Pipe or Oxygen Lance Pipe.
These lances are mainly used in cleaning the tapping hole of Blast Furnace or slag door of Electric Arc Furnace and also in the removal of stuck slag on converter.
Today, we are going to discuss about the SC Lances and its uses in the Steel Manufacturing.
Use of SC Lance at Electric Arc Furnace (EAF)
SC Lance is a mild steel pipe manufactured by Daiwa with no oil or grease on the surface of the pipe. The SC Lance is mostly used to open tap hole of the furnace to start the flow of molten metals by supplying oxygen at high temperatures. This pipe generates heat of more than 3000°C and is manufactured through the ERW process using best quality coils from Nippon Steel, Japan.